商品説明 CD (輸入盤)「Hans Uwe Hielscher - Spirituals & Gospel Songs」13曲/68分/1995年/Austria収録曲1. Antalffy-Zsiross: Sketches On Negro Spiritual Songs2. D. Miller: Three Gospel Favourites: In The Garden3. D. Miller: Three Gospel Favourites: Count Your Blessings4. D. Miller: Three Gospel Favourites: Great Is Thy Faithfulness5. Sowande: Joshua Fit De Battle Ob Jericho6. Purvis: Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?7. Martin: In Christ There Is No East And West8. H. Miller: Steal Away9. Schreiber: Fantasy On African-American Themes10. D. Wood: Three Organ Meditations On Well-known Gospel Hymns: Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling11. D. Wood: Three Organ Meditations On Well-known Gospel Hymns: The Old Rugged Cross12. D. Wood: Three Organ Meditations On Well-known Gospel Hymns: What A Friend We Have In Jesus13. Diggle: Rhapsody On Negro Spirituals商品状態 (USED)美良好→美品→良品→並→可CDディスク:美品、薄キズがわずかです22頁原語解説ブックレット:良品CDケース:可、経年のスレキズ傷みがございますご了承下さいませ (商品評価対象外と致しております)★趣味収集のUSEDをご了承の上ご入札下さいませ★尚送料は落札者様のご負担で宜しくお願い申し上げます★クリックポスト便(追跡番号付)他 ★まとめて取引発送 (一般厚みのCD4枚までクリックポスト便一括梱包発送出来ます)3-062-c-6